Electrical Statutory Testing Overview
Evolve Electrical and Design Pty Ltd provides our clients with personalised site-specific electrical preventative maintenance services that ensures businesses and employers are fulfilling their obligation in providing a safe workplace for their employees, customers and visitors whilst maintaining their assets.
What is statutory testing?
As you may know, businesses (PCBU’s) are obligated to ensure they provide a safe workplace for its employees, customers and visitors.
To ensure premises are maintained electrically, there are a number of mandatory electrical testing requirements that need to be undertaken.
These were developed to protect persons, livestock, and property from electric shock, fire and physical injury hazards that may arise from an unmaintained electrical installation

Types of electrical statutory testing?
Below is a list of statutory testing services that we can provide to your business to ensure you are compliant with the WHS Act:
RCD Testing
Cardiac-Protected & Body Protected Areas
Emergency & Exit Light Testing
Thermographic Scanning on Switchboards
Equipment Testing & Tagging
In addition to the above statutory testing, we also can incorporate the following services into our site visits to ensure you are providing your employees and customers with a safe, professional working environment, whilst ensuring value for money:
Electrical Survey & Reports
Specialised Programmed Preventative Maintenance
New Electrical Installations
Electrical Repairs & Fault finding

RCD Testing
A residual current device, or safety switch, protects you from the most frequent cause of electrocution - a shock from electricity passing through the body to the earth. It can also provide some protection against electrical fires.
RCDs are electrical safety devices designed to immediately switch off the supply of electricity when electricity leaking to earth is detected at harmful levels. They offer high levels of personal protection from electric shock.
Workplace injuries and fatalities can be prevented by the use of properly installed and maintained residual current devices.
RCD testing is mandatory under AS/NZS 3760 and as per SafeWork NSW
Emergency & Exit Lighting
Emergency lighting is a lighting fixture with a battery pack that turns on automatically when a building experiences a power failure.
In the event of an “emergency”, these lights play a significant role in the safety of residents. If there is a power failure, emergency lights illuminate, utilising batteries to visually indicate the fastest and safest route for occupants to exit the building.
Emergency lighting is required to meet the Australian standards set out in AS/NZS 2293 Parts 1, 2 and 3.
All emergency lighting must be tested, maintained and compliant as set out in AS/NZS 2293 standard.
Thermographic Scanning
Thermal scanning is a process of viewing heat, generated from an electrical switchboard.
The more power a device draws from a switchboard, or if there is a malfunctioning component in a switchboard, the more heat that is generated and will therefore be detected through a thermal image.
Infrared cameras are used to capture the thermographic image.
By undertaking regular thermal scanning, you can dramatically reduce the risk of fires within your switchboards resulting in preventing expensive emergency repairs and unplanned power outages.
Equipment Testing & Tagging
Faulty electrical equipment is the cause of dozens of deaths and many more injuries in the workplace. Don’t be a statistic.
appliance testing can prevent these deaths and injuries.
All electrical equipment that is required to be plugged into a socket outlet is required to be tested in accordance with AS/NZS 3760.
The frequency of these tests vary depending on the type of equipment and the working environment.